our services

Research and Expertise

We offer comprehensive research services that focus on the intersections of race, gender, digital technology, economic development, and international development. Our research is grounded in Black feminist principles and utilises a range of methodologies, including both qualitative and quantitative approaches. We aim to deliver actionable insights that drive systemic change and support marginalised communities.

Experts In Interdisciplinary And Mixed Methods Research.

With academic backgrounds in Law, Economics, Linguistics, Sociology, and Human Geography, our team brings a wealth of interdisciplinary expertise to our research. We are experienced in using tools like SPSS for statistical work and NVIVO and ATLAS.ti for qualitative data analysis, ensuring robust and well-rounded insights.

conducting research in to company diversity values and beliefs

Co-Designed and Inclusive Research Projects

Our research actively involves those we work with, ensuring their perspectives shape the outcomes. By centering their voices and fostering collaboration, we create research that is meaningful and impactful. We also offer training and capacity-building to help organisations strengthen their own research capabilities, enabling them to conduct effective and independent research.

Research Projects

We specialise in intersectional analysis, exploring how race, gender, and other identities intersect to create unique challenges, particularly within digital environments. Our expertise in digital and social media research offers valuable insights into how technology shapes identity, representation, and access to opportunities for marginalised groups.

Professional AI literacy enhancement: From personal to Organisational

Commencing in September 2024, a research project in collaboration with InnoEnergy on how to ethically integrate AI into the work force.

Misogynoir, AI, Deepfakes, and Online Gender-Based Violence (OGBV)

Commissioned by Glitch, this project investigates how race and gender intersect with deepfake technologies, aiming to prevent and reduce OGBV that Black women experience online.

Digital Misogynoir and UK Elections

In partnership with Glitch, this research explores the online experiences of Black women candidates in the 2024 UK national and local elections, focusing on the digital challenges they face.

Digital Anti-Blackness in Europe

Conducted for SOAS University of London and the Ford Foundation, this project examined the prevalence and impact of digital anti-Blackness across Europe, providing insights to inform policy and advocacy.

Leverage Expert Research for Transformative Insights

Our research empowers organisations to tackle systemic inequalities. Whether informing policy, shaping advocacy, or refining internal strategies, we provide customised solutions aligned with your goals. Partner with us to create lasting impact.

Contact Us To Discover How
We Can Work Together.

We are passionate about partnering with organisations and individuals who share our commitment to creating a safer, freer, more just, and inclusive world for marginalised and oppressed people.

A diverse business meeting BRK Ujima